About Elly
About Elly
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A group of middle-class friends travel from Tehran to spend the weekend at the seaside. Sepideh invites Elly, who is her daughter's teacher, to travel with the three families in order to introduce her to their recently divorced friend Ahmad, now living in Germany. The next morning, the two women go shopping in the town and Elly says that she has to return to Tehran because her mother has been recently submitted to hospital for heart surgery, but Sepideh asks her to stay and hides her luggage. The children are playing in the sea and one mother asks Elly to watch them. Out of the blue, Sepideh's daughter calls to some men playing volleyball to rescue one of the children from the water. After rescuing the little boy they seek out Elly, questioning whether she has drowned or returned to Tehran. What has happened to Elly? Asghar Farhadi---2009---Iran---119 mins.

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  | Norman#6

A group of upper-middle-class friends, some married and with their children, arrange to spend a weekend at the shore; the mother of one of the children invites her child's nursery-school teacher, Elly, to join them, with the hidden agenda of introducing her to a divorced man now seeking an Iranian wife. A series of lies and manipulations begins to have serious implications when Elly disappears and is presumed to have drowned. Fine ensemble acting in a narrative that portrays issues of conflicting cultures, between social classes, as well as urban vs. traditional, male vs. female, patterns of deception, blaming the victim, etc. which this director has effectively pursued in his later films ("A Separation," "The Past" and "Salesman"). Excellent.

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