Oratorio For Prague
Oratorio For Prague
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One of the most powerful documentaries ever made and a unique document of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, Oratorio for Prague "is a film so moving that one is near tears from the first moment after the credits appear. The movie was begun as a documentary about the liberalization of Czechoslovakia and then simply continued when the Russian tanks moved in," wrote Renata Adler in The New York Times. The only filmed record of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, the raw footage for Oratorio for Prague, when broadcast by television, was seen by more than 600 million people, and became the first information that the Soviet Army had not Jan Nemec---Czechoslovakia/France---1968---26 mins.

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  | Cora#1

Produced jointly in Britain, Jan Nemec's documentary footage is most of the only footage taken of the August invasion from Warsaw Pact forces of Prague in 1968, known as the Prague Spring. In real time, through the editing, you can see the focus of the documentary turn from political newsreel to firsthand fright. Jan Nemec's later documentaries reflect on Prague, but this one has all the urgency of a Prague frozen in amber.

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