Inside Llewyn Davis
Inside Llewyn Davis
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Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac) is at a crossroads. Guitar in tow, huddled against the unforgiving New York winter, he is struggling to make it as a musician against seemingly insurmountable obstacles-some of them of his own making. Living at the mercy of both friends and strangers, scaring up what work he can find, Llewyn's misadventures take him from the baskethouses of the Village to an empty Chicago club-on an odyssey to audition for a music mogul -and back again. Joel Coen/Ethan Coen--USA--2013--104 mins.

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  | Benjamin#13

Because I only expect greatness from the Cohen Brothers, I want to give it 4/5. But if I saw this film not knowing who made it, I'd give it 5+. For those privy to the Dylan legend and empathetic toward the impossible feat of becoming a paid artist, then this is a treat. Oh, and it's dark. And funny. (duh)

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