Branded to Kill
Branded to Kill
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The film that led Seijun Suzuki's studio to fire him. Mocking everything from censorship to gangster films, this twisted vision of Japan''s underworld follows Hanada Goro, the mob''s "No. 3 Killer," as he loses his grip on his career, women and reality and the "No. 1 Killer" makes Goro the target of a cruel cat-and-mouse game. Through it all, Suzuki thwarts logic and convention with stunning visual tricks and disorienting narrative leaps. With its blues score, brilliant black-and-white cinematography and dark humor, Branded to Kill is a triumph of style and purpose. "Suzuki''s masterwork. Terse, deadpan, and terrific" (Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times). In Japanese Seijun Suzuki---Japan---1967---91 mins.

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  | JohnH#1

This film is beyond my ability to make any sense out of it. If I didn't know better I would have said that it was cobbled together by by a bunch of amateurs. In an interview in special features director Suzuki stated that the studio at which he learned his craft cranking out B features enjoined its directors not to waste any film. Maybe he took that advice too much to heart. If he had shot more footage Branded to kill might have made more sense.

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