Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
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This classic courtroom suspense film, based on Agatha Christie's play about a sensational London murder trial, features great performances from Charles Laughton as the aging lawyer, and from Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich and Elsa Lanchester. Great entertainment. Billy Wilder---USA---1957---116 mins.

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  | JohnH#1

Made a splash when first released, but seems like a fossil now. Stars' lauded performances were nothing new. At lat late stage in his career Laughton could play blustering softies in his sleep. Dietrich was always Dietrich. Tyrone Power was actually more duplicitous in Nightmare alley. His outbursts in court should have gotten him sent back to his cell. In any case they weren't convincing. And it was not clear to me whether he was a Brit or and American. The scene in Dietrich's Hamburg hideaway was padding. Its point could have been made in a few sentences of dialogue, and axing it would have spared us the agony of having to hear Dietrich "sing". Courtroom scenes were not very gripping, nowhere near as riveting as Ralph Richardson's demolition of Oscar Wilde, or, bless us, episodes of Rumpole of the Bailey. The plot started gyrating in the first scene, and by the end was spinning out of control. Each switch was more implausible than the last. I was relieved when Dietrich put Power, and the movie, out of their misery by stabbing him.

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