American Revolution 2
American Revolution 2
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A gritty but essential documentary charting social turbulences in late 1960's Chicago. American Revolution 2 includes footage of the 1968 Democratic Convention protest and riot, a critique of the events by working class African-Americans in Chicago, and attempts by the Black Panther Party to organize poor, southern white youths on the city''s north side. Using direct sound, a handheld camera, no script, black-and-white film stock, and natural lighting, the directors'' no-frills approach appropriately reflects the raw energy of this upheaval. "A powerful documentary...see this film" (Roger Mike Gray/Howard Alk---USA---1969---76 mins.

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  | MrTransfer#1

This is an important film, a history lesson from 1968 Chicago that is more relevant today. You see the police over-react to the protesters at the '68 Convention. You hear the Chicago poor (black and white) talk about police brutality and harassment on the north side and south side of Chicago. When you hear the poor on the south side and the poor on the north side separately voicing the same complaints about jobs and housing, you realize that race/color is not the problem. Race/color is a wedge that the ruling class uses to keep us from joining forces, from voting and fighting together. In this age of Trump/Republicanism, it is a reminder that we need to be colorblind if we want to improve our lives and society. Trickle down economics is our real enemy. Rv

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